General Updates:
- Installation of the glass units for the hotel section are now well underway and should be completed by the end of August 2016.
- Preparation has now started to begin removing the temporary elevators from the sides of the building.
- Dehumidification systems are being installed in the Convention Centre to allow the drywall and finishing work to be completed.
- Work in electrical vault #1 is now around 90% finished.
- Active co-ordination with trades and Nova Scotia Power is underway to ensure that the power in vault #1 and vault #3 are energized at the same time.
- Bell Aliant has pulled in the copper and fiber from the street level to the communications room on Level 1.
- The work for the mechanical room on Level 7 is progressing well, this will be a major mechanical hub for the entire complex.
Fun Fact:
- An average of over 200 workers are onsite every day.